Thinking, entreprenuerial, startup
The power of entrepreneurial thinking
April 30, 2024
Thinking, entreprenuerial, startup
The power of entrepreneurial thinking
April 30, 2024

Here at Tomorrow Brands we’re huge advocates of entrepreneurial thinking.

We know from lived experience it’s how brands grow fast and break through.  It’s start up energy, but you don’t have to be a start up to make it work for your brand.  Our Marketing Director Ruth has created a podcast series for The Marketing Society on the power of entrepreneurial thinking.

No time to listen? Here are the six principles identified-

  1. Customer obsession- get to know your consumer, close the gap between your brand and consumer
  2. One definition of success- get clear on your north star goal then make sure all departments are working together to hit it
  3. Think about small details not just big ideas - the small details are where life is breathed into brands, it shows someone cares, we call it 'whole brand thinking'
  4. Take risks 
  5. Processes are great and everything, but not when they stifle creativity and action
  6. No preconceptions- true day 1 thinking, let go of ‘this is how we’ve always done it’

TLDR? Entrepreneurial thinking is powerful, dynamic, action orientated and can be the secret ingredient for success in a brand of any size.